
Basic Event Simulator with F#

Aryan Aryan Follow Jan 19, 2020 · 1 min read
Basic Event Simulator with F#
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Computer Performance and Evaluation

Computer performance is the efficiency of a given computer system, or how well the computer performs, when taking all aspects into account. A computer performance evaluation is defined as the process by which a computer system’s resources and outputs are assessed to determine whether the system is performing at an optimal level. It is similar to a voltmeter that a handyman may use to check the voltage across a circuit. The meter verifies that the correct voltage is passing through the circuit. Similarly, an assessment can be done on a PC using established benchmarks to see if it is performing correctly.1

The Simulator

The PECS Simulator is a discrete event simulator written in F#. It has two modes:

  1. Get hard-coded data as input
  2. Get an statistical distribution formula as input generator

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Hi, I am Aryan, a technology enthusiast!